The Buzz Behind Our Bee: Why We Chose the Queen Bee as Our Logo

The Buzz Behind Our Bee: Why We Chose the Queen Bee as Our Logo

Melissa McAtee
September 20, 2024
Minute Read

Ever wonder why we chose a bee as our logo? You’re not alone—people ask us about it all the time! So here’s the story, and I promise, it’s more than just a cute symbol.

When we started the journey of creating our logo, I knew one thing for sure: it had to stand out. I wanted something that was bold, memorable, and meaningful—something that represented bravery but still felt feminine. We brainstormed all kinds of symbols: bears, lions, you name it. All strong, powerful animals—but they just didn’t fit. None of them felt like us.

Then, as I was spending time reading scripture, and meditating on verses of how deeply  God knows us that He calls us by name. I was led to asking the question —why did my mom name me Melissa? Curious, I looked it up and found that “Melissa” means “honey bee.” I dove into scripture and research about bees and quickly became fascinated. Bees, though tiny, play a crucial role in our world. Without them, life as we know it wouldn’t exist. And that’s when it clicked—mothers are just like bees. They’re the lifeline of our communities. Without them, we wouldn’t survive or thrive.

But it wasn’t just any bee that stood out to me—it was the queen bee. She’s strong, she’s vital, but she doesn’t do it all alone. The queen thrives because of her hive, just like mothers thrive with the support of their community. The hive is made up of all kinds of roles—workers, nurturers, protectors—each one contributing something crucial. In our community, it's the same. We need nurses and doctors, counselors and social workers, volunteers and donors, family members and friends, all playing their part to ensure mothers are supported. When everything’s working as it should, the hive produces sweet, life-sustaining honey, and new life continues. Doesn’t that sound like the perfect metaphor for what we’re doing here at Bravely Women’s Health?

That’s how the idea of our teal queen bee was born. The women who come to Bravely are uniquely chosen to mother. They are the queen bees. They are strong, resilient, and they deserve the full support of their hive. Together, you and I can become the support she needs to nourish her child. We can become her hive by participating in this beautiful and co-creation with Christ.

Plus, let’s be real—there’s a lot of fun we can have with this branding! The bee may be small, but it’s mighty. Just like our mothers, who are quietly, bravely, changing the world one baby at a time.  So next time you see our bee, know it’s not just a logo—it’s a story.

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